Returns & Exchanges

Can I change or cancel my order?

We process orders and ship very quickly (we’re really fast - sometimes in just 30 minutes!). Orders that have been processed or shipped cannot be changed or cancelled.

In case your order has already been processed or shipped, we can walk you through the returns and exchange process once you have received the item.

You may also contact us in this link.


I was issued a refund and haven’t gotten it yet. What’s happening?

If you haven’t received a refund yet, check your bank account just one more time before contacting us - refunds sometimes take some time to be officially processed and appear on your account. For peace of mind, also contact your card issuer (the financial institution who provided you with your card) and inquire on the status of your refund. You should definitely contact us if your credit card issuer says they don’t see any refund to process - we’ll definitely need to double check.


How do I start a return?

To request for refund or exchange on your order, simply contact us within 30 days in this link and we’ll make things right for you.